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COVID- 19 Guidelines For Loco Challenge & Party Animal



Social Integration Action Plan for Intrepid Adventures Events

In order to be able to run again, and host our events as scheduled, we have come up with the following plan of action to ensure not only the health and safety of our participants, staff, and volunteers; but the health and safety of the communities we are privileged to recreate in. We realize that not everyone agrees on the spread of COVID-19 and the validity of certain things surrounding the pandemic that we are slowly coming out of. We ask that everyone put their feelings aside and make the commitment to follow the below outlined plan so that we create an environment where everyone can feel comfortable doing what they love and so that we stay within our permitting guidelines and can continue to host these great Loco events in the future.


Here is what you can expect on race day. It’s a lot of information so take your time. We aim to make things as simple and friendly as possible! For those of you who need Cliff notes, check the bottom of this page! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email us.



1. We will check the temperature of each arriving registered runner, staff and volunteer, temporally, with a no-touch temperature gun, at the Temperature Check Station, outside of the start line area. After passing the temperature check, the person will be issued a multi-functional neck scarf (Buff) to put on and pull up over their mouth and above their nose and a Tyvek bracelet that they will be required to wear during the duration of the event. From the Temperature Check Station, they will be immediately sent in to the start line area, continuing on with buffs still in place up over their nose so they will not be in the initial unchecked area any longer than necessary. Anyone exhibiting a fever of 100 degrees or higher, will be immediately instructed to leave.

Every runner and volunteer will be provided a multi-functional neck scarf (Buff) to use in covering their nose and mouth. Runners and volunteers will be required to wear this garment around their neck (but not necessarily up over their mouth and nose) at all times. Runners MUST raise it above their nose AND mouth:

  • At the start/finish line

  • When passing other runners

  • At every aid station.

  • Volunteers must raise it above their nose during any interaction with runners or any other volunteers.


2. All runners will be issued hand sanitizing spray to keep with them in their running packs during their run. Runners will be instructed to sanitize themselves properly when the need arises.

There will be no packet pick up the day before the race. We are still working on our bib number plan. They will either be mailed in advance of race day to participants or issued at race day check in, in a designated area, away from and different than initial arrival check-in. This is to speed up the race day check-in process and prevent long lines from forming at check-in. Wait lines will be marked with “wait locations” 6' apart.


3. All participants will have to sign a waiver prior to check-in on race morning (pen will be provided for runner to keep as to limit contact from sharing pens). This waiver asks that participants certify that they have not had symptoms of COVID-19, or to their knowledge have been in contact with anyone else who has, over the 2-weeks prior to the event. This waiver also certifies the participant’s understanding that they participate at their own risk, they are aware of the event being altered from what was once “normal”, and they will not hold Intrepid Adventures, it’s staff, volunteers, other participants, land managers, sponsors, or local municipalities liable should they contract COVID-19 from their participation in the event.

We will be extending our start line chute to make it 24’x60’, allowing a 6’ space in any direction between runners at the start line.


4. Runners will place themselves approximately 6’ apart in the chute. Runners will wear their buffs raised over their noses at the start line and upon take-off until they are distanced approximately 6’ away from other runners. Once properly distanced, runners may lower their buff to rest around their neck.



  1. All aid stations will have designated marked areas for runners to be cared for by their crew or to rest. Within each of these designated areas, runners and crew do not need to wear their masks or buffs. These areas will have a 6’ or greater distance between them.

  2. At aid stations runners/pacers will be asked to self-remove the caps of their bottles, or to hold open the tops of their hydration bladders. Volunteers will pour liquids into their reservoirs as desired. No runner will be allowed to touch the water coolers. Water coolers will be disinfected by a designated volunteer after servicing an influx of runners at any given time or every 20 minutes, whichever comes first. All runners will be issued a reusable, collapsible cup that they will be required to carry with them in lieu of disposable cups that would normally be sitting out at aid stations. Filling these cups will be handled in the same manner as the bottles and hydration bladders – runner holds the cup and volunteer pours liquid in. Pacers are welcome to refill and refuel at aid stations using the same protocol as runners. Pacers must supply their own water receptacle/bottle. 

  3. At aid stations, there will be no “collection of food” to grab from. Aid station wait lines will be clearly marked with flags at 6’ intervals so that no runner may approach the food table and all runners at the aid station waiting to be serviced will remain 6’ apart. Food will be pre-sorted in to small cups or plates and covered with a tray. Runners can choose from a posted menu what they would like and the volunteer will get it for them. All runners will be issued a reusable baggie that volunteers will drop the food cup in to as runner holds their baggie out to create a no contact method of service. Runners who wish to take a break at the aid station will be asked to do so outside of the food/water refill area in designated rest areas marked 6’ apart (mentioned in #1).

  4. All aid stations will be equipped with hand washing stations, hand sanitizer and bleach spray to disinfect their aid station (table, water cooler, hands, etc).

  5. Team base camp is located at the start/finish line and will have areas designated for each team to make their team's day camp (read: Pirate Camp!). Teams are welcome to hang all day/night in their designated spots without their masks. If a teammate leaves their designated team base camp area and chooses to visit a different team's area, they are asked to mask up and keep their germs to themselves.

  6. When the runner "on deck" waiting to begin running leaves their team base camp and heads to the start line, they are also asked to mask up until they begin running and are away from the start line and 6' from other runners. 



  1. The Loco courses generally offer a wide birth so that runners who wish to pass can do so on the far-left side of the course (with their buff up over their nose). We ask that runners run on the right side of the course when possible.

  2. We are NOT asking that runners do not run with a partner or friends however, ALL runners and groups raise their buff above their nose if they can see another runner in front of them or hear another runner coming behind them. Those who choose to run together, please distance yourselves properly.

  3. In the event that someone associated with one of our races tests positive for COVID-19 in the 2 weeks following an event, Intrepid Adventures will continue to utilize the guidance of state, county, and local agencies, as well as the CDC, in regards to reporting. We request that this person notifies Intrepid Adventures immediately at

  4. Sadly, high fives, fist bumps and hugs will be prohibited. When possible, refrain from touching your face. Sneeze or cough in to your elbow. When possible, wash hands when needed. If not possible, use your hand sanitizer spray (bathroom, eating, cough or sneeze, etc).



  1. Awards will not be draped around runner’s necks, but will instead be handed to finishers. After a runner crosses the finish line, and acquires their finisher’s award, they will be asked to maintain 6’ of social distance from everyone not in their personal party and keep their buffs up over their noses. Anyone at the finish line cheering on an incoming runner will be instructed to maintain the proper 6’ distance from incoming runners and volunteers (unless in their personal party and wear their buff or alternate face mask.

  2. Anything at the finish line that can be disinfected effectively, will be with a bleach/water spray at appropriate intervals (after an influx of runners arriving or every 20 minutes).



  1. Get your temperature checked at Temp Check Station. Start/Finish Line are will be closed off until you do. People with temps of 100 or over will be sent home immediately.

  2. You will have to sign a waiver stating you understand the potential COVID risks and that you or anyone that you have had contact with recently have not had any symptoms of COVID on race morning.

  3. MEMORIZE THIS. You will be issued a bandana to wear in start line area, at aid stations and when passing a runner or if you can hear a runner coming up behind you. If you prefer your own mask to the bandana, bring it! MEMORIZE THIS.

  4. You will be issued hand sanitizer. USE IT – DON’T BE GROSS.

  5. You do not have to wear a mask when within your own team's base camp area. If you leave your base camp area to visit another team's area, you must wear a mask.

  6. Start Line will be much larger than usual so that you don’t have to be all up on other runners and in their COVID safety bubble. Respect the distance. Runners "on deck" must wear their mask until they have left the start line area and are at least 6' from other runners.

  7. There will be hand washing stations at aid stations with soap. WHEN AT AID STATIONS, USE IT INSTEAD OF HAND SANITIZER – IT’S BETTER.

  8. Aid stations will look different. Don’t grab food. Use menu to order. Stand in designated spots. More info in longer version of this doc.


  10. Cough/sneeze in to elbow. Seriously.

  11. Awards will be handed to you, not put around your neck.

  12. You can run with friends but your group needs to distance 6’ or m ore from other runners and raise buffs when passing or being passed.

  13. Have questions? READ ABOVE DOC BEFORE EMAILING THE RD. Still have questions after reading?


Loco Challenge Update



We have been asked by our major permitting agency to update our operating plan to meet the new CDC guidelines for near future events taking place so that our permit request can be submitted for approval.

What does this mean??? It means that we have not gotten a no and that it is looking like we might just have a good chance that our event will be approved and able to take place as planned (with the CDC modifications, of course)!!! We obviously can not guarantee that we will be approved but this is a big step in the right direction!

We are waiting on the specific CDC guideline event checklist that our permitting agency would like for us to follow so we aren't able to tell you what the changes will look like but we feel confidant that they won't be anything other than safety measures to keep everyone healthy on race day.

This may not be cause for a huge celebration quite yet but the Loco Crew is definitely doing a little happy dance in the safety of our own homes and we hope you do a little one with us!

As soon as we hear anything else, we will let you all know.

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay Loco my friends!

The Loco Race Series



Hello Loco Family,

Due to the social distancing and shelter in place extensions, it is with a heavy heart that we have decided to make the Forest Ranch Four a virtual race and cancel the Loco Scavenger Hunt 5k. Please know that we absolutely do not take this decision lightly. 

We know how hard you all have trained. We know that many of you would've been coming from out of town and that requires advanced planning. We know that you were looking forward to putting your training to use and having a great time in the woods just as much as we were looking forward to running Loco with you all. We WILL run Loco together in the future, when everyone is healthy and the world can get out and enjoy each others company once again!

As we stated in our last email update, you all have several options. An email was sent to all registered participants on 04/02/2020. If you did not receive the email, please contact us at as you will need to choose which option is right for you no later than Thursday, April 9th with your decision. Those who do not email, we will consider your registration a generous donation to our beneficiary. 

We can't tell you how sad we are that the Forest Ranch Four 2020 isn't happening but what we can tell you is that we plan to still be at the start line of our other 4 races in 2020 if and when mandates are lifted so keep checking in to keep updated and we will see you all Running Loco soon!!!

Much Love and Loconess,






11 days ago I sent out an update about the Loco Race Series, in particular, the Forest Ranch Four. I felt that it was time to check in again to see how everyone is doing and send out another update. While things around us are changing daily, the Loco Crew feels strongly that communication is key to providing some stability in these strange times and keeping all of us on the same page with what to expect come race day, especially if there are any changes on our end.


We understand that many of you have concerns about all aspects of staying safe during this self isolation period, state mandates and beyond. We have heard from many of you that if possible you would still like to run on race day and from some that they still feel concerned and apprehensive about being in a group even after mandates and isolation are lifted. We respect all of these feelings and are working hard to provide options for all of you, within the rules and limitations of whatever mandates are in place come race day.


That being said, we want to clear up any misunderstandings that may have come from the announcement that we put out about continuing to hold the Forest Ranch Four and the new 100k distance just before Governor Newsom announced the California Shelter in place mandate. We have been told that many people believe that we put the announcement out after the mandate and that we plan to hold the event regardless of what rules and regulations are in place.


While the Loco Crew takes the task of following through on our promise of providing all of you with an awesome event very seriously and feels strongly that we will do anything within our power to hold this event on race day, we are absolutely not saying that we plan to break the law or practice irresponsible behavior to make it happen. We have had some folks take it upon themselves to send us emails filled with fear mongering and messages with misinformation pertaining to COVID-19 trying to scare us in to making a rash decision to cancel the event immediately. We can not in good conscious to that to our runners. We feel that it is important to look at things from all angles and make our decisions based on fact AND current mandates in place.


This is why we have decided the following:


1. As of today, 03/27/20 we are still planning to hold the Forest Ranch Four as long as the Shelter in Place mandate is lifted. We are still over 3 weeks away from race day and with things changing every single day we are not going to base a decision to cancel on what the situation is today. We want all of you to know that there is a possibility of the race not happening on the date planned however, the only reason this will happen is if the Shelter in Place mandate is still in effect. 


2. We very much respect anyone who wants to keep clear of groups for a while, even after the Shelter in Place mandate is lifted. For those of you who are feeling this way, you have some choices to continue to do what is right for you. These options are available if the race does not cancel but you feel that you do not want to run with us on race day:


           A. You can run a virtual race and pick up your FR4 swag at a future race, when you feel more comfortable being out in a group setting. We will have more information on how this option will work soon.


           B. Transfer your registration to someone else (you can use this option any time on UltraSignUp).


If you are feeling more inclined towards this option, we ask two things, shoot us a reply email and give us a heads up so we can feel out how everyone is feeling (this step will not commit you to the decision) and even if you feel sure about making this decision right now, please wait to make your final decision until race week. It will be much less confusing for everyone to change registrations just once in case anyone changes how they feel closer to race day, depending on the mandate situation.  


3. We are still working out how exactly packet pick up will work but it is looking like we actually might still utilize Friday, April 17th after all by creating a drive through pickup so no one needs to stand in line.


4. If we do have to cancel the FR4 you all will still get your swag and will have the following options (these options are only available if we have to cancel the race):


           A. Run a virtual race and pick up your swag at a future race (more info to come on this option as needed).


           B. Run the course any time between 4/19-4/25. You will need to choose a time slot. 8 slots per block of time will be offered, with start times twice a day. This will help keep folks at a safe distance from one another and within the guidelines of the mandate currently in place in California regarding groups AND regarding outdoor exercise. The course will be marked with cairns and other natural markers that will leave no trace being left out on the course for an extended period of time. This will be a run at your own risk, unsupported run, not officially supported or put on by Intrepid Adventures and ultimately subject to any current rules and regulations in place. You will need to follow safe distancing practices and any rules posted by the landowners while running. We are still working through this option, if it becomes necessary, and will put out more information as needed.


          C. Defer your registration until next year's Forest Ranch Four (2021). Please note that if you choose this option, the FR4 2020 WILL NOT count towards one of your races ran to earn your 2020 Loco Race Series hoodie.


          D. Roll your registration over to an alternate race in the Loco Race Series 2020. Please note that if you choose this option, the FR4 2020 WILL NOT count towards one of your races ran to earn your 2020 Loco Race Series hoodie. 


As we said previously, we do not take our responsibilities to you, our running community and fellow humans lightly. We love our Loco family and are working hard on finding and providing the balance between keeping our promise to all of you while doing what is right given the current situation. We are committed to being the calm in this storm and hope that when this is all over we can Run Loco with all of your beautiful faces, whether at the Forest Ranch Four or otherwise.


In the meantime, stay safe, keep your distance and wash your daggone hands!


Much Love,






Hello Loco Runners,

I have been seeing many races postpone or cancel in the last 2 weeks. In this uncertain and upside down time, I wanted to get in touch with each of you to fill you in on what our plan of action is with the Loco Race Series in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak.

We plan on being at the start line on race day. 

Unless our permits are pulled, we will be there ready to cheer you on and get you through the Loco finish line. Precautions will be taken in regards to anything that could potentially put you or us in harms way. We will outline some of those precautions below. Please keep in mind that we are still working on the measures that we will put in place so the below items do not include every precaution.

1. Our course is almost exclusively dirt/gravel logging roads which means there is potential for a 20' spread between you and a runner running at a similar pace or trying to pass you. We are asking that all of you help keep this a reality out on the course on race day. If you are running near someone, use the wide course to both of your advantages and stay on the opposite side of the trail if possible. If not possible, keep at least a 6' spread between you and the next runner.

If you are passing a runner, pass on the very opposite side of the trail.

2. The CDC suggests that any event or gathering over 50 people postpones. We are planning to stagger our runners in several waves by 5-10 minutes (still working on exact numbers) so that none of the starting groups exceeds 40 runners. Our start line chute will be greatly widened and extended, giving all runners the 6'-10' spread recommended by the CDC.

3. There will be hand washing stations at each aid station and at the start/finish line.

4. All aid station food will be individually wrapped either from the manufacturer or prior to the race start or when prepared to prevent open contamination that may occur at an aid station. We have will have powdered single serving electrolytes at the aid stations so that runners can make their own electrolytes. All volunteers will be wearing gloves and will be briefed on proper sanitation, hygiene measures. We are still working on how we will handle the water at aid stations. It hurts our hearts to think that we may have to use single use bottles. We will continue to brainstorm. If you have ideas, please post them to our Facebook group The Loco Race Series. We would love to hear your ideas. Please remember to keep them respectful and factual (if facts are needed).

5. Sadly, we feel that traditional packet pick up the day before is is not the best idea. We are working on how we will offer packet pick up safely so that no one is forced to stand in lines or groups. If you have ideas on this, let us know in our Facebook group mentioned above.    

We are trying our best to answer questions or concerns that you all might be having and we ask that you post them to our Facebook group (The Loco Race Series) in case others have the same questions that you do.

Thanks, as always, for reading to the end of these long emails! If any of you need anything, please feel free to reach out. We will always do our best to take care of our Loco family. We are in this together!

Much Love and Loconess,


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